SUMMARY OF ADVICE '); '); This option has been omitted because of the '); need to configure the program for various '); types of printers. '); '); If you have a printer that is compatible with'); the IBM parallel port, holding down the CTRL '); and pressing the PrtSc key will send a copy '); of what appears on the screen to the printer.'); '); In the production version, a formatted report'); based on the information you received would '); be printed upon request. '); '); '); PROFESSIONAL SUMMARY '); '); This option has been omitted to eliminate '); the need to configure the program for various'); types of printers. '); '); If you have a printer that is compatible with'); the IBM parallel port, holding down the CTRL '); and pressing the PrtSc key will send a copy '); of what appears on the screen to the printer.'); '); In the production version, a formatted report'); which contains the information you provided '); and the recommendations that were made would '); be printed. Your doctor may find it useful. '); '); '); ');